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Recent Client Solutions

We have developed numerous mission-critical solutions to help our clients stay ahead of their ever-evolving business and technology needs.  From real-time high-volume order import and trade upload interfaces to a real-time algorithmic decision platform.  From high throughput data services and accounting, custodian, and TCA interfaces to numerous PM, Compliance, and Trading and Analytic systems.  We have several decades of hands-on experience building these types of essential technologies.

OMS Implementation and Integration

Led multi-year OMS implementation.  Provided implementation and project management,  business analysis, solution architecture, and development services.  Responsible for overall project management, OMS installation, configuration, and rollout, analysis, design, and implementation of full-stack integration solutions and workflow enhancements of full front-to-back office processes, including equity, fixed income, FX, and OTC (futures, options, swaps) workflows.  

Real-Time Sell Check Application

Designed, developed and implemented a micro-services-based Enterprise Sell Check application, enabling in-line availability checks for orders prior to execution. This enabled our client to run real-time compliance checks for portfolios, including those managed across multiple platforms by multiple investment teams.

Real-Time Execution Optimization

Designed, developed, and implemented a mission-critical, high-volume, low-latency, message-based integration solution between a client's OMS and and external Execution Optimization platform.  This solution included real-time integration with an external Order Optimizer and various other systems to keep the OMS and the firm's external teams globally synchronized with respect to orders, placements, fills, and account allocations.

Real-Time Pre-Trade Compliance Integration

Designed, developed, and implemented a real-time integration between a client's OMS and a leading third-party compliance engine.  This solution kept the compliance engine synchronized with all relevant intraday activity in the OMS allowing for maximum precision and accuracy of pre-trade compliance checks.

Commission Recapture Technology Solution Provider

IFT is a strategic technology partner of a leading Commission Recapture provider.  Responsible for designing, developing, and supporting a cloud-based real-time algorithmic decision platform, including hardware and networking infrastructure, rules engine, remote monitoring tools, web client, and DevOps.

 Address. 123 Main Street, Suite 4, North Andover, MA 01810

Tel. 978-775-5400

© 2018 by Integral Financial Technology, Inc.

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